Why learning and development professionals are key to future-proofing the workforce

Learning and development (L&D) professionals prioritise employee growth and skill development, helping to close the skills gap in Australia.

With the ever-changing demands of work and education, L&D professionals are more important than ever.

L&D professionals focus on the professional growth and skill development of employees. They help to foster transferable skills, promote lifelong learning and address workplace stress through emphasising creativity, critical thinking and championing the shift towards micro-credentials to meet specific workforce needs.

Upskilling and industry insight

The Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) is the peak not-for-profit organisation for qualified and credible L&D professionals.

AITD provides professional development, networking opportunities, and best practice exchange, focusing on effective training delivery in evolving work environments.

“By enhancing education to support GDP growth and keeping talent onshore, L&D professionals ensure that Australia remains a leader in education and innovation,” says Ben Campbell, CEO at AITD.

“AITD provides research on emerging trends and advocates for best practice standards, promoting fresh approaches to help spark early adoption and return on investment in the L&D field by giving voice to the latest methods and tools,” says Ben.

“We focus on enhancing the professional skills of our members and provide industry insight to ensure they are remaining capable and adaptable.”

The impact of learning and development

Ben believes that L&D initiatives can have a profound impact on employee performance and organisational resilience, playing a vital role in driving economic growth by fostering leadership and promoting sustainable skills development.

Director of Passion and Purpose and AITD member, Tony Sloman says, “What I didn’t realise at the start of COVID was the pivotal role I would play helping organisations and leaders transform the way they embrace uncertainty.

“It is immensely rewarding to help leaders overcome fear and communicate well under pressure. AITD has provided several opportunities to enable me to find that purpose."

Michelle Ockers, Co-founder and Chief Learning Strategist at Learning Uncut and AITD member adds, “The profound effect of well-designed L&D initiatives on employee performance and customer satisfaction was recently illustrated through the transformative ‘Elevate’ program at Sydney Trains, which through a data led process, enhanced customer service skills, building sustainable skills and quality.”

Teacher capability 

Ben sees immense opportunity in professionalising the L&D industry to ensure training delivers tangible return on investment.

“It’s so important to prioritise upskilling educators in the latest teaching techniques, technology, and industry knowledge to enhance their ability to deliver relevant training,” says Ben.

“We need to invest in the future and continually define and enhance the role of L&D practitioners to be on the vanguard of helping to deliver current and future job skills in an ever-changing environment.

“L&D practitioners are crucial to help the workforce build resilience and agility, aligning with global goals for lifelong learning,” says Ben.

About AITD

As the peak not for profit organisation for qualified and credible learning and development professionals, AITD is committed to advancing excellence in learning and development. They prioritise providing exceptional value to their members, industry, and community.

Learn more

Ben Campbell, CEO at AITD


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